Are you interested and want to know more? Do not hesitate to reach out to us via email at!
Mailing List
We are using a mailing list to send out information about the THINK Association and invitations to the THINK Conference and other associated events.
Private information is not shared with third parties.
The members of the THINK Association organizing the conference works on a purely voluntary basis and unites students from various academic fields. It is our objective to find new formats for science communication and for a critical review of scientific work.

THINK Association
In April 2017 we founded the THINK Association – Verein zur Vernetzung kritischer WissenschafterInnen to aid our plans and to structure the organization of the THINK conference.
ZVR-Zahl: 577491579
THINK Association Open Accounting
We decided to open up our accounting for public transparency.
THINK Association Personal Data Policy
Here you can find the English and German version of our personal data policy.
THINK Association Photography Policy
Here you can find the THINK Association Photography Policy for the conference.